Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Out of the Loop

Wow, it has been awhile since I sat down to compose another blog entry.  December was a crazy month.  Influenza and common cold viruses ran rampant through our household,  it seemed at times like it would never end.  The end of the Mayan calender neared and I remember wishing all the paranoid folks claiming the end was approaching were indeed correct, then perhaps I could sleep.  Of course they were wrong and the sickness and runny noses would continue on the rest of the month.  I fell ill several times too.  Throat and ear infections, a bout of the Flu and a nice persistent cold I would fight off the whole month while fishing of course.  I was not about to let these illnesses keep me from cashing in on some great fishing and ending the last month of the season early.  I packed my meds and fishing I went.  Luckily this past year I completed my Christmas shopping early.  A first for me.  I am usually running around with the masses a day before Christmas,  not looking for that last little item, but rather trying to scratch every entry off multiple wish lists in one day.  No... not in 2012, I would enjoy some excellent fishing  instead.

I love December.  Big fish seem to be the norm and more often than not the crowds have thinned.  Although I did run into a little more traffic this year, I was able to find some nice quite water and enjoy some peace and solitude.

My friend Neil and I would enjoy several outings together as well and a first "Double Header."  Walking up to the run and both hooking up within a matter of minutes was very cool to say the least and has proved to be a highlight of the 2012 Fall/Winter.

  Other Highlights include a personal best for me,  a big Buck taped out to 30" and surpassing my  2011 totals for hooked and landed fish.

So, as I type this we seem to be in a January thaw. I am hoping these mild temps continue.  If they do, I no doubt will be on a year round stretch somewhere this weekend looking for my first tug of 2013.

 I trust you all had a Merry Christmas and a fitting Happy New Year's celebration with your families.  All the best in 2013! 


  1. Nice recap Tony. Sorry we never did hook up for that drift in 2012. At least we survived the Zombie Apocolypse so I guess we can look forward to 2013 and meeting up.
    Good luck if you get out there this weekend. I'm sure you will do fine.


  2. "Influenza and common cold viruses ran rampant through our household, it seemed at times like it would never end."

    Misery loves company...that was our house too. Brutal year for that hassle.

    Glad you had a great season. Good luck in the New Year as well.


  3. Good stuff Tony. You have had a great 2012. Hope to hook up wiht you this year for a fish or three. ;)
