Sunday, 26 February 2012

The Tailout of Winter

Saturday arrived and I enjoyed a day spent with my family.  A trip to Grand Bend and a quick drive by our new home was the plan.  Our Daughter was staying at a friends place, so it would just be the three of us.  Our Son after resisting a nap earlier, promptly fell asleep in his car seat as we pulled into the cul-de-sac where our new home is located. We will be taking possession at the end of March, and we are looking forward to owning our first home .

After grabbing some groceries, we headed back to Port Franks and picked up a movie.  If you get the chance to watch "Our Idiot Brother" starring Paul Rudd and Elizabeth Banks you should, it's a funny one.

Sunday morning arrived and I wasn't planning on fishing.  My Wife was waiting for a call-in from work so I was fully prepared to mind the kids for the afternoon and evening. Lunchtime rolled around and no call, so my wife decided she would take the kids out and do a little shopping.  Perfect, I guess I will hit the River for a few hours.

Arriving late in the day I wasn't expecting much. I was content to just get out and get some exercise and enjoy the sunny skies.  Although the sun was shining it was fairly cold and I am sure the Weather Network was off on their forcasted high of +1 degrees.  The wind was out of the west and nothing more than a slight breeze. A new layer of snow had accumulated on the banks of the river from Friday and Saturdays little episode of "The Return of Winter".  At least we will have some run-off
this spring. I would assume the next two months will be the time to fish. This Spring season could be quite shorter than normal.

I placed myself mid run and began to fish, it was a real treat to have this run to myself. I saved the best for last and worked my way to the tailout. When I reached the tailout It was wild fire and I picked off two fish right away.  I looked around in shock, I couldn't believe I was all alone on such a fishy stretch.  What a Gift.

There was a little  work involved today. My guides kept icing up on me, and at one point when cleaning them I dunked the reel.  To my surprise it never froze up.

 I hooked another two fish in the next hour and was happy to hear the drag sing its song. The fish once again were on the yarn.
I'm going to have a hard time giving up yarn when I get my Spey Rod at the end of the month. I am however looking forward to swinging some Spey's and Intruder style flies, and covering the "Big River" a lot better.

It's hard to believe that we are roughly three weeks away from the first day of Spring.  This Winter was an easy one. Who knows what the weather will bring in the next few weeks. I don't mean to tempt Old Man Winter, but I think we are well into the Tailout of Winter.


  1. Awesome recap Tony. Those Huron fish are beautiful. Nice fish and pic!
    Perhaps we can share a drift in the coming months. I'll bring my Scott 7wt home from the cabin. Maybe you can show me how to use it. ;0)

    1. Thanks. Anytime, you will know where to find me ;)

  2. Another nice entry Tony! You have it dialed in.

    1. Thanks Bro! Getting ready for another learning curve! Hope to get my first on the Spey before the end of March!

  3. Hey bud, just catching up on your last few entries - good stuff!!! I have just not been able to light a fire under my ass and get out there. We are heading for the 'sunshine state' very soon so I hope I can get into some decent action upon our return.

    Perhaps a roadtrip up to the 'Geen this spring?????? see how many guys you can smack in the face with the Spey..... :)

    1. Thanks Bud. Have a great trip! Yeah Im up for a boot to the Geen this spring, I will bring an extra pair of safety glasses you can borrow... ;)
